We were early (8:00) at Toulouse to drop off our daughter at the railway station.
It was a sunny day ! and ... it was also the First Sales Day !
Crowd in all streets and queues in shops !!!
By hazard, I succeeded to shot some picture on this "expensive" day.
This is TNT , no..., this is TNT.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Théatre National de Toulouse
Publié par Unknown à 22:16 2 commentaires
I had never look up on this building before.
Would you say sharp or peaked ?
As you'll see on the map, I shot it in Toulouse not in Baziège. There are no buildings like this in Baziège, only houses and two-storey buildings.
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Publié par Unknown à 00:18 0 commentaires
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wheatfield again ...
Early in June I've post another picture of a wheatfield.
At this time it was not mature, but now it's ready and harvesters are going to start their job.
I'll try to shot one in the next few days.
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Publié par Unknown à 00:06 0 commentaires
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Waiting at the level crossing
What happens to the motorcycle ?
It's time to check waiting the train to pass.
Are there graffiti on trains in your corner of the world ?
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Publié par Unknown à 23:03 1 commentaires
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunflowers just start to bloom.
Fields begin to turn yellow.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:10 1 commentaires
Monday, June 25, 2007
Boating holidays on the Canal du Midi
Are you interested by a cruise on the "canal du midi" ?
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Publié par Unknown à 21:50 3 commentaires
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Festival LARSEN
2 weeks ago, the 1st Festival LARSEN fills Baziege with lots of sounds, music and performances.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:56 0 commentaires
Friday, June 22, 2007
"Vide-grenier" at Montbrun-Lauragais
Wikipedia link in english here.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:33 1 commentaires
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tits on the wall
Today a special picture.
Every day I take the same road and I've never noticed this very special graffiti except today.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:44 2 commentaires
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bell Tower of Auriac sur Vendinelle
Former fortified dungeon (15th) of the old castle which has disappeared now adapted in ring bell (19th).
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Publié par Unknown à 22:59 0 commentaires
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Baziege War Memorial
A big war memorial for a small village.
Behind the new extension of the first school.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:55 0 commentaires
Monday, June 18, 2007
On the way to work ...
Business building as everywhere in the world.
It is less fun as beaches, ducks or sunset ...
Everyday the same roads, buildings, traffic jam ....
Soon ... holidays ...Locate Photo on PaB DP map
Publié par Unknown à 23:14 0 commentaires
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Garage sale and windmill
Montbrun-Lauragais where the garage sale took place is proud to get one of the last windmill (no more used) of the Lauragais aera.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:02 2 commentaires
Friday, June 15, 2007
Nouillorc, Nouillorc
There is an funny advertising campaign for the SNCF (French Railways).
They have shot false City roadsign with Frenchified city name as in this example : Nouillorc for New York.
What is very funny also is that the main city here is Toulouse and it's also a wordplay in English : to lose.
Edit 16/06/07 : in fact, SNCF (French Railways) has its own travel agency (flights, hotels, ...) called voyages sncf who launches this advertising campaign.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:33 2 commentaires
Thursday, June 14, 2007
This is not a public fountain as other posts (1, 2, 3 and 4).
At this place, I shot also these bottles.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:27 0 commentaires
Chateau de Montmaur / Montmaur Castle
This castle was built during the 9th and 10th centuries.
It is part of the story of the Cathars which is still visible in our area.
More information in French here.
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Publié par Unknown à 00:00 3 commentaires
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Big spiral staircase
In march we were at the public library of Toulouse called "Mediatheque Jose Cabanis", here in french some information about the building.
In the middle of the atrium linking the 4 floor, there is this very impressive spiral staircase.
Detail here after : the wooden step and iron barrier.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:06 3 commentaires
Monday, June 11, 2007
Bricks and pebbles
We were at Montbrun-Lauragais Sunday morning for a garage-sale.
I discovered that the school and the town-hall were build with bricks and pebbles which is really typical for the aera. Here after a detail.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:40 3 commentaires
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Bridge for canal
A bridge has been built for the canal when Hers-mort river meets it.
At the beginning of the canal, all rivers flew into the canal. But there were too much overflowings and sandbanks and Vauban solved these problems by draining the canal and by creating bridge to allow river to pass below.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:18 2 commentaires
Saturday, June 09, 2007
African Queen
This boat is docked along the canal. My 1st idea is the boat in The Aftrican Queen movie.
I don't know what kind of boat is it. Does anybody help me ?
I want to ask the owner for the story of his boat but there is nobody each time I pass close by.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:49 2 commentaires
Friday, June 08, 2007
Outdor shooting range
Each time I pass over the highway, I startle earing gunshots from this shooting range.
This is my favorite way to my weekly ride along the canal with promises of calm nature and quiet water.
But no ! there are always these ... gunshots !!
Stop Gun Violence !!!
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Publié par Unknown à 22:19 0 commentaires
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Alongside the canal
Finally the sun decides to come in Lauragais after a rainy month of may.
I can restart my weekly ride along the canal with lots of opportunity of pictures.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:42 2 commentaires
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
It's time that wheat becomes yellow !
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Publié par Unknown à 22:42 1 commentaires
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Public Fountain #4
It seems that there are always red bricks on my pictures ;-)
Thanks for all comments, especially from Australia and Swiss.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:18 0 commentaires
Friday, June 01, 2007
June DP Theme
Here the view from the roof window in the attic.
I already posted views from our french window bedroom and from another attic window.
Do you recognize this building ?
Let me introduce all DP Theme Day attendees of a whole world :
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Publié par Unknown à 13:25 6 commentaires