Along the canal I noticed this gate very similar to this previous post.
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Another gate without a fence
Publié par Unknown à 21:30 4 commentaires
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canal du midi
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Old bread oven
In the small village of La Réunion where my step parents live there is still an old bread oven.
It is not used anymore.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:21 0 commentaires
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Friday, February 08, 2008
Highway and canal
At this place, the highway and the canal are so close that we can have it in the same picture.
It's a little bit noisy !
This valley is a really old communication way, there are a main road, an highway, a canal and the rail.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:59 2 commentaires
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canal du midi,
Thursday, February 07, 2008
On the "Chemin de Borde Haute". Meaning on the lane of high-place farmhouse.
Borde is an old name in Occitan language for farmhouse.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:21 0 commentaires
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
La Place de la Volaille
Why "Place de la Volaille" ? Simply because a famous poultry market was taken place in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:32 0 commentaires
Monday, February 04, 2008
The future city hall ?
The commune of Baziège has bought this estate just in the center of the village.
The large house will be easily converted in a brand new City Hall and the large lot will be transformed in a pleasant green way open to all in Baziège.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:06 2 commentaires
Sunday, February 03, 2008
It's Chandeleur, it's Crêpes
I have one day late but never mind here are the Crêpes I did on the 2nd of February which is named Chandeleur.
Did you also cooked these tasteful thin Crêpes for your family ?
(Just ask for the recipe)
What do you put in it ? Melted chocolate, jam, sugar
Here we all vote for melted chocolate !!!
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Publié par Unknown à 21:20 4 commentaires
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Saturday, February 02, 2008
Public School
This is the old part of the public school of Baziege.
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Publié par Unknown à 23:09 0 commentaires
Friday, February 01, 2008
DP Theme : What your city is known for : LOTO
Perhaps you have checked out my previous post, it was more conventional : streets, buildings, ...
But Baziège is so small and known only in our area. Nothing is renowned, except the Chapel of Sainte Colombe. But I prefer something more funny, so I chose a typical activity of Baziège people : LOTO (or BINGO). Every week or more all year long (but more in the beginning) a LOTO is organized by a local association (soccer, public school, fishing club, ...) to get some money for their activities. They take place in the Village Hall.
You can see here the Community News Bulletin : every week at least a LOTO !!
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Publié par Unknown à 21:49 7 commentaires