Thursday, January 03, 2008

Le Corbusier models

Currently there is an excellent exposition about Le Corbusier's works at Chandigarh (India) at le Centre Méridional de l'Architecture et de la Ville in Toulouse.

In addition, 103 models of Le Corbusier's projects and realizations made by a Japanese architect called Tadao Ando are exposed. This exhaustive collection is really impressive but difficult to catch.

Locate Photo on PaB DP map


Antonia said...

I,m a little bit envy - it seems really wonderful exposition.
Happy New Year! Cheers!

sam said...

oooh I adore Le Corb's work! Would LOVE to see this exhibition but we live at the end of the cultural world it seems, major exhibitions never find their way here!!

Kunal Bhatia said...

We visited Chandigarh last year, as a part of our college's study trip. His work is truly inspiring.
Mindless Mumbai