A little movie (I know it's not a photo but it's based on PaBDailyPhotos) of what Baziège is known for.
This is not the DP Theme, tomorrow you'll have what I have chosen for DP Theme Day.
Publié par Unknown à 23:12 2 commentaires
That means that the sun shines !
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Publié par Unknown à 22:07 0 commentaires
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This is not a military camouflage but the bark of a plane tree.
Plane tree is very familiar all along the Canal du Midi.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:18 0 commentaires
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canal du midi,
Today is Monday, so something quiet and simple.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:35 0 commentaires
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Last post of the serial : the viewpoint over Baziège.
There are not a lot of hills around.
I already had posted another viewpoint here.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:29 0 commentaires
Do you imagine zebras and kangaroos in Baziège in this small village of France far from everything ? Yes it's true as on the picture. It's very difficult to take picture because for zebras they were far from me grouped in a specific place and for kangaroos the they are shy and run away at the first noise. In the title, I say zoo but in fact it is not open to public but schools are welcomed. It's well protected as shown it last picture. Big brother is watching you. Is it bizarre, no ?
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Publié par Unknown à 22:02 0 commentaires
Our community the Sicoval has decided to mark with these signs 240 km of track roads mainly off- road. Each tracks have been described in very useful flyers.
Around Baziège, these tracks are named "Les chemins du Pastel" (the tracks of the Pastel). The Pastel (woad)was a plant used to produce a blue tincture. It has been very cultivated in the area until the end of the 16th century before to be replaced by indigo.
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Publié par Unknown à 18:26 0 commentaires
All roads lead to Chapel Sainte Colombe in Baziège. Once again a post with a picture of this small chapel in the middle of the fields.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:04 0 commentaires
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Sainte Colombe
I stopped in the middle of this descent to take the above picture and I heard a weird buzzing sound. In fact it was the oak below. It didn't lose its leaves in autumn and with the wind they make this buzzing sound.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:17 0 commentaires
Today we'll start a cycle about a hiking path around Baziège which can hike or bike (as I do). Just below the map which is displayed on a bulletin board.
Check out the map to see where the pictures were shot.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:22 0 commentaires
Today it is the last about our trip at Luchon and at the ski resort Superbagneres.
Before leaving, Luchon is well know for its thermal baths.
Here above, a big stained glass has been installed above the entrance of the old Thermal Baths building.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:07 0 commentaires
Can you believe that : a crocodile in a church !! Yes, in the cathedral of Saint Bertrnad de Comminges. It is an ex-voto which has been brought back from Egypt during the Crusades by Thibaut de Champagne. But nothing is sure ...
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Publié par Unknown à 23:02 1 commentaires
In the cable-car from Superbageneres to Luchon, up and down in the morning.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:51 0 commentaires
New Art Nouveau style.
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Publié par Unknown à 22:10 3 commentaires
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We stayed in this building called Le Grand Hotel. Build from 1913 to 1922, it has been renovated in 2006 in the original style.
A great place to stay.
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Publié par Unknown à 21:59 0 commentaires
We were in Superbagneres this week-end for ski and thermal baths.
It's a nice and small ski resort just up to Bagneres de Luchon or Luchon, well known by the amateurs of the Tour de France.
This is my first official panorama : the view from room at the hotel.
I have used autostich to build this pano from 13 photos, very simple to use and free :-)))
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Publié par Unknown à 21:56 1 commentaires
In Cahors, where my mother lives, a street market takes place on Saturday and Wednesday morning at the foot of the Cathedral Saint Etienne.
As you can see, there are a lot of stands of local producers and dealers. It is mainly vegetable, fruit, cheese (especially the famous and typical Cabecou made with goat milk) , meat and fish ... and the famous wine of Cahors.
The cathedral is very special with it fortified bell tower and the 2 cupola (you can just a piece of one).
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I don't know exactly if posting photos of bridge is becoming complusive for me ...
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Publié par Unknown à 22:08 0 commentaires
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canal du midi,
Along the "Canal du midi".
Does a pixie live here?
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Publié par Unknown à 22:25 0 commentaires
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canal du midi,
2 birds guard the path. (in the background the bell tower of Baziège).
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Publié par Unknown à 22:36 0 commentaires
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canal du midi
Did you remember the "Apple" graffiti in October ?
Just beside, a new weird graffiti has appeared.
Is it a premonition of what will happen in 2008 ?
I don't believe, I am kinda optimistic : green wins against red.
Let's save the Planet !
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Publié par Unknown à 19:11 2 commentaires
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canal du midi,
Currently there is an excellent exposition about Le Corbusier's works at Chandigarh (India) at le Centre Méridional de l'Architecture et de la Ville in Toulouse.
In addition, 103 models of Le Corbusier's projects and realizations made by a Japanese architect called Tadao Ando are exposed. This exhaustive collection is really impressive but difficult to catch.
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Publié par Unknown à 10:17 3 commentaires
I just found the "8", it's enough ...
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Publié par Unknown à 22:14 8 commentaires
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canal du midi,
Happy New Year to all !
This photo was shot in Montreal this summer.
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