Monday, September 17, 2007

Subway seats

Do you like the color of these seats ? Personally no !
The yellow don't bother me but associated with the color of the cloth, definitely no !!
Locate Photo on PaB DP map


Unknown said...

We have very striking colour seats for our buses too, here in Singapore.

Well, at least it looks very clean.

NorthBayPhoto said...

Looks like something on a space ship! (or something that would be on a space ship in a B movie!).

Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.

Lynette said...

The combination doesn't work for me either. Here in Portland, I've ridden a bus or two with seats covered in the same fabric design I once years ago in Frankfurt, on the bus we took from our last hotel to the airport for our flight home. I find it odd that I'd remember it all these years later, but it was such a shocking change from the seats on the bus we'd been touring in for weeks; I guess that's what made it stick with me.