Monday, April 16, 2007

Sunday, it's "Recup'Verre"!

Sunday, it was Glass Recycling activity. As you can see that a good citizen of my village and I follow correctly the rules regarding waste management.
Main of glass I throw in this big container is bottles of wine.
You think it's obvious because I'm french. But it's not the case : I throw also bottles of beer ;-).
Ok, Ok, the picture shows a bottle of wine !! By the way, this wine was really good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah oui, je faisais ça avec mes gamins quand ils étaient petits. J'arrivais avec mes sacs pleins de carton, papiers, verre, plastique,boites de conserve et ils triaient, ils adoraient mettre chaque chose à la bonne place. Educatif et super amusant.

En Australie, c'est le camion poubelle qui ramasse tout. Il suffit de trier à la maison.